The “English garden” with flowers is becoming more common but many people stick to the traditional garden of shrubs and manicured trees.
The entire country is planted with them. When the trees are in flower, the display is spectacular. Like Christmas in the West, it is a time of year when people get together.
In winter, icebergs come down from the Barring Straits and the sea freezes in northern Hokkaido. In Okinawa the weather is still hot and balmy.
Como es costumbre, selectos actos de las tres jornadas principales del festival español se podrán ver (en directo y en diferido) en todo el orbe vía streaming.
Del disco “A Sleep & A Forgetting”. Dirigido por Lex Halaby & Toben Seymour.
Aunque la Ciccone rezase con que los italianos lo saben hacer mejor, no podrá negar…